EXPANDIZONS, episode 4
Originally broadcast in September, 2006.
Episode 4 features seven track from the Podshow Podsafe Music Network and other indie artists. Originally broadcast in 2006, it includes the spoken-word ensemble, UpSurge! with a track from their album, “Chromatology,” and a track from Germany’s Pulsar Bleu.
- The Mellow Dramas, “Together” (with Kieser.Velten)
- UpSurge!, “S.K.I.N.” vocal by Zigi Lowenberg
- Arthur Loves Plastic “Bright Side,” from the release “Pursuit of Happiness.”
- Pulsar Bleu, “A.T.H.E. (Attributable to Human Error)”
- Kalahari Surfers, “Versatile Flying Objects,” from the release “Muti Media” (buy from Bandcamp)
- Dreamfresh, “Yousleepwhenyouareawake” (originally from Podshow network)
- Steffan Coonan, “I’m Sorry”
More from Arthur Loves Plastic: video for “I Can Dream:”